Kiss Balázs Ágoston

Design Institute / Designer Maker BA
thesis consultant
Schneider Ákos
Kövér Dóra Rea
thesis opponent
Keszeg Anna

Changing Creative Relationships in Digital Object Creation

The technologies currently challenging art and design, such as complex algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet, and the revolution of digital reproduction, bring new possibilities to the processes we have used so far. They redefine creative processes and offer a different approach to hierarchical systems. The relationship between designer and designed, a phenomenon shaped by age-old traditions and by the social, religious, and technological changes of the current age, is undergoing an unprecedented transformation as systems and digital tools become increasingly complex. This gives new meaning to the relationship between humans and algorithms. As questions of new entities and altered human qualities come to the forefront, we have an opportunity to expand our thinking and revisit existing relationships. A comprehensive exploration of the opportunities offered by new digital technologies can serve as a means to better understand the functioning of systems heretofore unknown or forgotten.