Frankó Nóra

Design Institute / Textile Design BA
thesis consultant
Pallag Andrea
Bényei Tünde
thesis opponent
Zwickl András

The Connection Between Painting and Pattern Design

The 'Pliage' Paintings of Simon Hantaï

The subject of my thesis was inspired by Simon Hantaï's 'pliage' paintings, whose highly decorative appearance creates a pattern-like effect. Taking into account the pattern-making techniques used in textile design, as well as the technical and visual aspects of printed pattern design, I analyse the artistic processes and innovations to which Hantaï's folding-based method can be traced back, such as gestural painting or all-over painting. Based on these methods I explore Hantaï's path to the 'pliage' painting technique, and then focus on his work in the 1960s and 1970s through the lens of his particular painting style and the pattern-making techniques of textile design. My research analysis was guided by a set of criteria (craftsmanship, mark making, repetition, and decorativeness) that I set up to help define the intersection of painting and pattern-making.