Zubornyák Emese Zita

Fashion and Textile Design MA
Szűcs Edit
masterwork opponent
Miovác Márton
thesis consultant
Antalóczy Tímea
thesis opponent
Csáki Judit

Nothing to lose

My diploma consists of two parts. The first, integral part is the collaboration with the Miskolc National Theatre and director Artur Szőcs, showcasing the costume designs for Georg Büchner's play "Leonce and Lena." The other part is an independent costume collection built around the underlying melancholy of the drama. In the three executed garments, the spiral symbol plays a central role, expressing the long journey of human existence, both internally and externally. My diploma not only operates within the boundaries of theatrical costume design and fashion but also bridges the gap between the two art forms, offering a new perspective to the audience.

Nothing to lose

The repositioning of melancholy in society through Georg Büchner’s play, Leonce and Lena

The concept of melancholy and its evolution today. Why is this an adequate term for creators in theatre? What visual interpretations are there for a costume designer? In the first part of my thesis I define melancholy and its anthropological aspects, and I try to explore how it fits in the colourful palette of contemporary theatre while preserving its elusive and mystical nature. In the second part I explore melancholy in Leonce and Lena and I discuss the issue of the search for identity. I take a look at three emblematic productions of Leonce and Lena to explore the creators’ ambition, the visual aspects and why this play has always been relevant.