Tóth Lili

Graphic Design MA
Balla Dóra
masterwork opponent
Csuport Andrea
thesis consultant
Beck András
thesis opponent
Földi Eszter

Windows of Time

As events disappear from the horizon of the present, the passage of time becomes visible. The installation „Windows of Time” sets aside an individual space in the exhibition space where the visitor encounters and confronts empty time. The masterwork explores the observation of time and creative time as a time-dividing activity. The installation has three main parts that are closely related and point to each other: the real-time video documentaries, the book that processes the observation situations, and the carpet, an explicit manifestation of creative time. The work is based on the structure of medieval books of hours, which divided the day with prayers and with it work and social time, making space for silence and personal time. The structure of the installation traces this in a contemporary context, as a response to the experience of time today.

Creative time

Contemporary art and the experience of time

The thesis analyses the effects and images of the present-day experience of time through the works of two contemporary artists, Mark Formanek and Emese Benczúr. The key concepts of the theoretical framework used in the analysis are slowness and craft, as reinterpreted by Richard Sennett, through which I focused on creative work as an act of processing time. In this context, slowness, pace and duration mean the time and experience required for the creation, which also include the experience of time in the artwork. Craft is shown as a means of focused work and a way to unburden the subjective experience of time. The final part of the research explores a frontier where craft plays a significant role, for example the potential connections of graphic design and textile.