Szilasi Dávid Kristóf

Design MA
Keszei István
masterwork opponent
Horváth Viktor
thesis consultant
Babarczy Eszter
thesis opponent
Vető Péter


Digital support for analogue creation

My masterwork is a portable interactive creativity toolkit (P.I.C.T.) that helps us extend and add new creative features to our existing workspaces. It is based on a projector and a camera and can be easily mounted on any surface using a mounting system. The workspace created by the projector can be used to add new and useful functionality to the surfaces we want to work on, and in the resulting interactive space, templates can be used to facilitate and speed up the daily workflow.

The transformation of the product designer’s toolkit as a result of digitisation

How do new technologies change the basic usage of our objects?

In my thesis, I examine innovative technologies that evolve in product design as a result of digitisation. Through examples, I analyse tools that emerged in the 20th and 21st centuries and radically transformed the profession. I analyse the past, present and future of these objects based on organic development theory, and I explore how the most recent technologies affect workflows in product design. The aim of the research and the thesis is to explore development opportunities and negative visions that digitisation and new wave tools may bring.