Szántói Lilla

Design and Visual Arts Teacher MA
Bényei Judit
thesis consultant
Pallag Andrea
thesis opponent
Gesztelyi Hermina

Silent books in school

The potential of the visual narrative and bookbinding in art pedagogy

In my thesis I explore the potential of the visual narrative and bookbinding in art pedagogy. I consider books – objects with verbal and visual content – an important and eternal medium from a pedagogical viewpoint. In exploring this methodology, my goal is, on the one hand, to offer students the experience of connecting with books through creation, and, on the other hand, to approach bookbinding from the aspect of content. The theoretical background of the methodology is provided by the genre of “silent books”, the non-textual picture books built on visual narratives where stories are told solely by pictures, without words. The goal of the thesis is to provide a theoretical basis for methodological research as well as to explore the integration of the genre into pedagogical practice. Created to fit in the framework of public education and to suit the two targeted age groups – grades 1-4 and 5-12 – this pedagogical methodology focuses primarily on visual storytelling, on the expressive opportunities of various media, and on integrating simplified bookbinding techniques into a complex lesson plan.