Pencz Patrik

Animation MA
Brovinszki László
masterwork opponent
Doboviczki Attila
thesis consultant
German Kinga
thesis opponent
Bakk Ágnes

Deep Blue

Immersive space installation

Deep Blue is an immersive space installation where the viewer rides a glass-walled lift through the liminal spaces of an abandoned building that has lost its function, going down towards the hidden centre in the depth of the building. With my diploma project I created an immersive space experience that focuses on the trinity of liminality, kenopsia and the loss of function, which describe liminal aesthetic as it is presented on the internet. The installative nature of the artwork helps these virtually made non-places create a real space and a real space experience. In addition to the original installation created in physical space, projected from 4 sides, there is a 360-degree
VR video version as well, a portable and easy-to-present version of the installation.

The impact of artificial intelligence on the creative practices in animation

Artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools may significantly transform the digital motion picture and animation industry. This raises a number of questions regarding the future of the profession, and it is important, both for professional productions and for individual creative practice, that we recognise and analyse these issues in time. The aim of my research is to identify the place and role of humans in these new, automated processes and to find new ways of expressing creativity. The first two chapters describe the basics and the current questions of AI and animation techniques. This is followed by a theoretical analysis of the interrelation of these two areas and the presentation of a potential direction of implementation, categorising AI-based tools according to the degree of automation and the impact on the image. The annex contains a glossary with terms used in the context of animation technology and AI, to provide professionals with a common terminology and help the reader learn more about this field.