Pallós Anna Lídia

Art and Design Management MA
Sidó Anna
thesis consultant
Aczél Petra
thesis opponent
Kadlót Nikolett

Supporting young creators

As a project manager I have gained professional experience at organisations ranging from small localcreative communities to large institutions. In this variety of unique cultures, it was my mission to identifyand initiate projects aimed at supporting young creators in many ways. My knowledge acquired overthe BA in Humanities has set my attitude and offered me the skills to reach these goals and to becomea crafted project manager. My career has started at the Castle Garden Bazaar and now continues as afresh associate at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, in the Student Hub team.

Design literally, design literacy

Creators and managers in the spring of artificial intelligence

Publicly launched on 30 November 2022, ChatGPT appears to have become widely capable of imitating
human creative writing. Following Alan Turing’s idea and to find out whether the chatbot can indeed
do this, I launched an imitation game (on human written and AI-generated text) in the framework of the
New National Excellence Programme, with 3 professional literary critics and 100 naïve subjects. My
thesis complements this qualitative and quantitative research with further literature analysis and in-depth
interviews. My aim is not only to understand the mind capable of creating and writing, but to shed light
on the changing roles of cultural managers in the era of AI. I argue that the use of technology is not a
betrayal of those creating and writing, but it is the responsibility of cultural managers to ensure its
conscious and transparent use, and to integrate AI into our cultural realm.