Nánai Brigitta Lilla

Design and Visual Arts Teacher MA
Bényei Judit
thesis consultant
Bényei Judit
thesis opponent
Dabi-Farkas Rita

Seniors in the museum: the good practice of lifelong learning

Senior education in Hungarian museums today

Museums are not only custodians and exhibitors of objects and works of art, but are also active participants and shapers of society. Museums offer visitors a wide range of programmes and workshops that encourage engagement and activity, promoting a lifelong learning approach. However, the institutions' commitment to knowledge transfer is not limited to children and school groups. Museums and exhibitions also provide a rich learning experience for older people, and museum learning has a role to play in preventing various diseases, maintaining mental well-being and preventing loneliness. In my thesis research, I provide an overview of the range of programmes and activities offered specifically to senior citizens by museums in Hungary, organised according to a specific typology. The aim of the study is to summarise and define the types of the interactive programmes and opportunities available for the active older generation and people with dementia.