Koroknai Patricia

Photography MA
Kudász Gábor Arion
mestermunka opponens
Eperjesi Ágnes
szakdolgozati konzulens
Szentpéteri Márton
szakdolgozati opponens
Tillmann Ármin


What is the inherent meaning of our lives? Confronting the meaninglessness of our lives and not finding purpose can result in inner chaos, constant confusion, despair and a sense of worthlessness that alters one’s perception, emotions and daily experiences. If this condition persists an existential crisis can arise causing constant feelings of anxiety and often leading to depression. This series intends to deal not only with depression but also with the consequences of seeing life as meaningless or with the confusion caused by meaninglessness. The photographs depict seemingly never-ending inner conflict resulting in frustration and distortion of the accepted view of the physical world. The abstract works represent the relationship between the mind and emotions, and the difficulties of human existence. It is a subjective perception and contemplation about a life without meaning.

The Influence of Existentialism on Contemporary Art

Existentialism, as a philosophical movement, had a great impact on our thinking and also on the arts. While its influence manifested in literature the most, I intend to present the existentialist attitude to life appearing in visual art. I search for existentialist elements in various fields of contemporary art, particularly painting, photography, and film. I question whether the existentialist sense of life can be conveyed using visual language.