Huszár Fanni

Fashion and Textile Design MA
Kele Ildikó
masterwork consultant
Vass Csenge
masterwork opponent
Szabó Viki
thesis consultant
Veres Bálint
thesis opponent
Dobos Emese

Digital tactility

Contrary to the assumption that virtual experience is immaterial, my research is based on exploring the materiality and posthuman content of the digital body and fashion. I take a new materialistic approach to understand digital fashion as a complex system that is a complex network of interconnected human and non-human actors. I visualise these interconnections and interactions as a projected virtual environment, animated by the physical presence and movement of the viewer. My installation combines projection, real-time motion tracking and 3D visual technology. In terms of practical application, the format of the installation has the potential to present digital fashion creations, avatars and skins at events in an immersive, interactive format.

Alternative futures

Digitised fashion

Building on expert interviews and applying the toolbox of the Framework Foresight method, my thesis maps out how digitisation and the tendencies of the present will impact the development of the fashion industry in the future. Digital technology affects fashion design practices, consumption and business models, and fashion production alike. I summarise key connections in four “driving force” groups, and finally, I propose two possible visions of the future in a narrative form. The aim of these scenarios is not to provide an exact forecast, but rather, to expose the various factors that shape the future, and to imagine the different directions it could take. I strive to identify a wide range of possibilities to illustrate the uncertainty. In a universe where present actions influence the future, uncertainty also means potential.