Bernát Barbara Bianka

Art and Design Management MA
Sidó Anna
thesis opponent
Böszörményi Gábor

From film production to a cinematography agency

In the first semester of the master’s program, I gained experience in commercial film production, while in the second semester, my professional focus lay on creating and facilitating working relationships between artists and producers. Hence, I devoted my entire first year to accumulating experience in Hungarian and foreign productions, which served as the foundation to my main project, Pancake Talents. In the subsequent third and fourth semesters, my focus turned to developing this talent agency, with the objective to equip Hungarian cinematographers with professional opportunities abroad.

Exporting the Hungarian film school, or Hungarian cinematographers abroad

In my research, I am looking to answer what unique knowledge Hungarian cinematographers possess and what makes them competitive in the foreign market. In the first part of my thesis, I examine Hungarian cinematography from 1949 – the founding of the Hungarian cinematography school – to 2021. In the second part, I analyze the situation of Hungarian cinematographers in Hungary and the United States.