Varga Szofi Szilvia

Institute of Theoretical Studies / Art and Design Theory BA
thesis consultant
Gyenge Zsolt
thesis opponent
Szarvas Márton

Housing policy in the cinema of the 1970s

In my thesis research I examine the system of the Hungarian housing politics in the context of the cinema of the 1970s. Through the analysis of three key movies - The Agony of Mr. Boroka (1972), A Priceless Day (1979), Family Nest (1977) - my goal is to understand how the great directors of the era thematised the phenomenon of the housing shortage, housing acquisition and life in the block houses. In the context of these films, I will discuss the characters and individual fates that appear in them, which are closely linked to the system of the Kádár era. In order to present this in its entirety, I will precede my discussion of the films with a historical, housing politics and movie history summary.