Szabó Tünde Julianna

Institute of Architecture / Architecture BA
thesis consultant
Sidó Anna
Barcza Gergely
thesis opponent
Szarvas Márton

The Potential and Prospects of Artistic Methods in Social Urban Regeneration

Case Study: Glove Factory

Utilising art to ‘make the world a better place’. This was my starting point. These are broad concepts: art, world, and making something better... but I had to start somewhere. In my case, this was the intention; and attempts to turn it into reality led towards architecture. I have chosen the framework for the present thesis based on the principle of employing world-changing intentions in our own local environment. As an architecture student, I take the tenets and desirable goals of social urban regeneration as my point of departure, and within this framework, I explore the use and relevance of artistic facilitation and methods in achieving social goals. In light of these, I have chose an institution that formed a key element of one of Budapest's major social urban regeneration programmes as the subject of this case study. This institution is the Glove Factory Community Center in the Magdolna Quarter, which has been active for 16 years, and continues to be led by the same community objectives as before the end of the rehabilitation programme.