László Csenge

Design Institute / Textile Design BA
thesis consultant
Fábics Natália
Szűcs Edit
thesis opponent
Bényei Judit

Hyperfemininity as a Political Statement in Sofia Coppola's Films

Sofia Coppola's films use a dreamlike hyperfeminine appearance to help the viewer identify with adolescent girls. She contrasts the seemingly innocuous visuals with dark messages that highlight the idealised, and therefore dehumanised, role of young girls in society. The aim of my thesis is to understand the visual universe that stimulates the feminine gaze and allows Coppola to convey feminist messages. I showcase this directorial mission through the analysis of The Virgin Suicides (1999), Marie Antoinette (2006), and Priscilla (2023), all of which focus on the character of an adolescent girl imprisoned by a patriarchal society.