Kürtösi Marcell

Media Institute / Photography BA
thesis consultant
Beck András
Máté Gábor
thesis opponent
Horányi Attila

Voyeurism and Its Ethical Implications in Contemporary Photography

Philip-Lorca DiCorcia and Sophie Calle

My thesis examines the work of two contemporary photographers whose oeuvre is linked to the concept of voyeurism. When selecting the photographers, I tried to look for artists whose work covertly observes people in public spaces, but whose artistic philosophy is different from conventional street photography: exploring their environment, the people around them, and photography as a medium in a conceptual way. However, in my view there is an ethical dimension to this approach that I consider important to discuss. In order to understand this, the first chapter of my thesis discusses observation itself, its recent shift to the foreground, and any possible related concerns and antecedents. The second chapter focuses on the phenomenon of voyeurism through a project by Phillip-Lorca DiCorcia, by examining the connection between photography and reality, and between the camera and its subject. Despite changes in our private lives, I believe it is important to ask what moral path the photographer should keep in mind in such observation-based cases. It is also important for me to understand whether and in what way the works mentioned, which do have an ethically questionable dimension, can be displayed in exhibition spaces. I explore this in chapter three in relation to Sophie Calle and postmodern photography. However, Calle's work also raises the question of the presence of reality and fiction, through other perspectives.