Kocsis Adelina Szandra

Institute of Architecture / Architecture BA
thesis consultant
Szeles Nóra
Kovács Csaba
thesis opponent
Ébli Gábor

Generational Handover in Family Businesses

A Case Study of Holz Team Ltd.

Think about how many companies you know in your area. How many of these are family founded or family-run businesses? You almost certainly know businesses like that, but you might not realise that many of them are facing the most important transformation in their history. This significant process is the central theme of my thesis: the generational handover in Hungarian family businesses founded after the regime change. This transition is not only paramount for the businesses concerned: it is critical for the economic stability of the entire country, as the survival of a large part of the business sector depends on it. After a career of 25-30 years, the time is approaching for the first pioneering managers to hand over their leadership to a fresh crop of professionally competent successors, which increases the relevance of my research subject. The phenomenon of entrepreneurial generational handover has now developed into a business discipline, but despite intensive research and study of practical examples, not all of its elements are fully understood. There are no guaranteed recipes for success. Every business is unique, and the process of succession is all the more diverse. The aim of my thesis is to explore the issues of business succession based on theoretical models, professional knowledge, and a concrete case study, and to propose pragmatic solutions for the management and successful implementation of a generational handover. It adds a personal layer that I am conducting the case study on a family enterprise close to me: a business founded and run by my father.