Horváth Noémi

Design Institute / Textile Design BA
thesis consultant
Szeles Nóra
Hajdú Anett
thesis opponent
Fekete Balázs

The Background to Our Choice of Shoes

The Emergence of Brand Loyalty and the Psychology of Name Brand Shoes

My thesis research focuses on how brand loyalty is formed, and what methods shoe brands apply to attract and retain customers. I examine what factors influence and shape the relationship between the brand and the target audience. The aim of my research is to find out whether shoes play an identity-defining role that is similar to clothing. The research was greatly helped by interviews with Réka Vágó (REKAVAGO), Diána Polgár (DYAN), and Zita Attalai - important players in the Hungarian shoe industry. I used the industry literature and my own questionnaire to validate the hypotheses posited in this thesis. One of the major findings of the research was that transparency, directness, and accessibility are the most important factors for maintaining brand loyalty today.