Gerencsér Orsolya

Design Institute / Textile Design BA
thesis consultant
Ébli Gábor
Kele Ildikó
thesis opponent
Szeles Nóra

Colour Marketing

What Role Do Colours Play in Branding?

We make numerous purchasing decisions every day, some of which are conscious and some of which are based on our mood at the time. Why do we choose a certain product? And why do we choose one product today and another tomorrow? These are the questions I seek to explore through the study of consumer behaviour, which is indispensable for informed marketing decisions, since without an accurate understanding of customers it is impossible to create a product that meets their needs. The aim of my thesis is to assess brand owners' awareness as to the colour choices in their brand identity. To this end, I carry out a comparative analysis between brands in the same field and interview designers from three Hungarian brands.