Breitner Mikolt Anna

Institute of Architecture / Architecture BA
thesis consultant
Berky Tamás
Göde András
thesis opponent
Lázár Gyopárka

The Impact of the Built Environment on Children

My research seeks to understand how the built environment impacts the mental development of children. My thought process primarily centres around these points:
Safe spaces: Well-designed spaces provide a sense of safety. The sense of safety is a stable foundation for mental wellbeing, and consequently, for mental development.
Sensory stimulation: A multi-sensory experience rich in shapes and colours, natural materials, green surfaces, spaces for movement and creative activities. Community spaces: Places that provide opportunities for community building, group work, and collaboration. Learning: Providing opportunities for playful educational activities. First, I examine the relationship between people and the physical environment, including what information the built environment can carry, and how people can interpret this information. I then consider my findings as they relate to children, to get a better understanding of how they are affected by a building's interior and exterior environment. Based on these, I try to identify the spatial elements and situations that provide a good developmental environment for children.