Bene Bianka

Design Institute / Product Design BA
thesis consultant
Bényei Judit
Koós Pál
thesis opponent
Tillmann József

Supporting Conservative Treatment in Spinal Care with Design Tools

The Effectiveness of a Conservative Treatment of Scoliosis and Scheuermann's Disease From a Designer's Perspective: Communication Between Patients and Professionals, and an Analysis of Potential Problems

My thesis mainly investigates the effectiveness of conservative treatment of juvenile spinal disorders in health care from a designer's perspective. I begin with a description of the phenomenon and the situations experienced by those involved, pointing out a number of problems and opportunities for better design, using qualitative research methods. I carried out the necessary preliminary research by consulting the relevant literature and conducting an expert interview, which was a great help in understanding the facts, different aspects and perspectives. Following the research, I looked for intervention possibilities using the principles of disability design and participatory design to see how a designer might create a successful healthcare plan with the involvement and participation of end users, which could potentially make conservative treatment more effective.