Balogh Fruzsina Lilla

Media Institute / Graphic Design BA
thesis consultant
Lázár Gyopárka
Nagy István
thesis opponent
Illés Anikó

Art Therapy as Visual Trauma Processing

The Role of the Subconscious and Intuition in Creative Art Therapy

My thesis explores the concepts of art therapy and spiritual healing through creating art. I discuss the role of intuition and the subconscious within creation. I want to explore more deeply the intuitive creative process and creativity itself as a function. Examining the relationship between art and the soul can only happen through a subjective approach until we explore what these concepts might mean. What is the definition of the soul? What do we call trauma? And what is it that we call catharsis? Is art capable of liberation? What do we mean by the relationship between art and therapy? How is the flow experience capable of healing through the act of making art? These are the questions I seek to answer in my thesis, based on my research and my own experience.