Tornóci András

Photography MA
Kudász Gábor Arion

Thank you, now I feel a bit calmer

The coronavirus pandemic began three years ago, and proceeded to completely turn our lives upside down. In 2023, it seems that we have completely regained our pre-Covid way of life. But is this really so? And is it going to remain this way? It was not that long ago that we first became familiar with the concept of the coronavirus. The pandemic and the associated measures have disrupted our lives in many ways. Operational Task Force, disinfection, quarantine, and masks - these terms defined our daily lives for many months on end. Uncertainty and loss have become defining and familiar feelings for all of us. There is hardly a family that has not been directly affected by the pandemic, the services disrupted by it, or the economic crisis it has contributed to. A collective impact of this scale has not affected the people living in Hungary for a long time. However, it is important to recognise that this impact can affect people's lives in the long term, especially if the trauma of the pandemic remains unresolved. My goal is to gather and share my experiences during the pandemic. It was not my aim to paint an objective picture of the current state of Hungarian healthcare, but I wanted to emphasise the painful and real problems within the healthcare system.

The photographic record of the first two decades of the HIV/AIDS epidemic

My thesis examines the medical and social consequences of the AIDS epidemic. Fear of the new illness had a powerful effect on humanity, and the artistic world was significantly impacted, too. On the one hand this resulted in new artistic approaches; on the other, it urged creators into activism. My thesis analyses these processes in the light of photography.
Beck András
Schmied Andrea