Szalai Anna

Media Design MA
Szirtes János

The Szalai Family

In my musical short film titled Szalaiék I address my depression, alcohol problems, and relationship with my family. In the story I make it home from my flat in Angyalföld to the family nest in Szigliget, where I try to capture how we all sing a song called 'Szalaiék' together. I wrote the musical pieces during the preparation of the work, so they were embedded in the script organically. Despite the seriousness of the subjects touched upon, the film attempts to make light of the black sheep experience with its musical numbers and a healthy does of self-irony.
Hajnóczy Csaba
Erdei Krisztina

The appearance of family archives in contemporary Hungarian art

The family scene of narrative identity

Through the continuous enrichment of its memory, every family builds its own history. The thesis presents the artistic adaptation of family histories through the works of four contemporary Hungarian artists. It analyses the works of art through subjective criteria, examining the relationship between factual and fictive elements, and interprets the subjective memory agents of family stories in light of narrative identity.
German Kinga
Tomas Opitz