Rideg Rebeka

Graphic Design MA
Nagy István


Humans are complex entities. Our physical bodies not only accommodate our biological functions but the mental processes as well, and the two correlate with each other. As we say: sound body, sound mind. But how can we voice our emotions if talking about them is a challenge? My autonomous project, SOUL SONIFICATION, seeks to answer that question. The masterwork aims to convey lived emotions without verbal communication and physical presence. One of the main components of the project is a journal that captures the process and results of emotional self-observation. Another important component is an installation that scans the journal pages with the help of a software and decodes the data within, playing associated bodily sounds. The individual bodily sounds were recorded using a traditional stethoscope transformed into a microphone.
Nagy István
Birinyi Tamás

Art embodied

The body as a medium in contemporary artistic human-machine interactions

The human body has inspired creators in numerous fields of art, and has become a popular subject with artists. My thesis examines the topic of the human body as a medium. I am seeking to define the boundaries of the human body in art, and how far these boundaries can be pushed or extended. I examine the phenomenon of the active body, along with its performativity and its references in contemporary art. Through studying and interpreting the work of certain artists I uncover the questions that arose in me. I also speculate about what new creative movements may emerge in future through science, technology, and digitisation, and how humans may be able to surpass their own boundaries.
Schneider Ákos
Veres Bálint