Pilbak Petra Andrea

Graphic Design MA
Balla Dóra

Resonating Narratives

An Alternative Edition of White Noise

The masterwork is a reimagined, experimental edition of Don DeLillo's novel White Noise, which creates a multisensory experience through the intertwining of language, code, visual symbolism, and sounds. The project aims to redefine the experience of reading and establish a deeper connection between the text and the reader. The introduction of interactive elements such as encoded puzzles and visual reading journals that generate unique sound representations reflects the reader's individual interpretation and emotional response to the novel. These elements encourage active participation and interpretation from the reader. This not only results in a deeper connection between the text and the reader, but it also demonstrates the potential of a personalised and captivating reading experience that goes beyond traditional narrative engagement.
Balla Dóra
Szabó Andrea

The narrative experience of literary texts

Ways of conveying content with book design

The narrative experience can be defined as an empirical state of immersion in a fictional world. My research analyses the components that lead to the emergence of a narrative experience: first, I consulted any available research related to reading, the physiological mechanism of reading, and the process of interpreting literary text; next, the link between legibility and the typographical features of a text; and finally, I describe the book as a graphical system and a medium conveying meaning. I also touch on the building blocks of books that carry additional meaning and complement it with their textual context. Beyond conventional solutions, it is possible to heighten the narrative experience and convey additional meaning with experimental components such as using special materials, adding interactive element, switching between analogue and digital interfaces, and engaging various senses. I examined examples of these through experimental editions of literary texts designed by graphic design studios.
Tillmann József
Wunderlich Péter
Accompanying app to the alternative edition of White Noise, generative audio screens
Accompanying app to the alternative edition of White Noise, screens
Alternative edition of White Noise
Alternative edition of White Noise
Alternative edition of White Noise
Alternative edition of White Noise
Alternative edition of White Noise
Alternative edition of White Noise
Accompanying app to the alternative edition of White Noise, screens