Nagy Katinka Panna

Fashion and Textile Design MA
Bényei Tünde


My diploma project draws attention to the differences between connectins and interactions in the digital space and real human touch. I present the haptic connections that emerge in the virtual and real world through a four-part sample collection. The first set of samples reflects natural interaction, the second set represents our virtual connections, and the third set embodies the symbiosis between the two. The fourth set is a sensitising collection of illustrations.
Keszeg Anna

An interpersonal touch in the digital world

My thesis explores the biological and psychological background of touch as a social experience. Through the lens of different psychological trends I examine why touch is especially crucial for childhood mental health. The digital space has created a way to meet and keep in touch with other people without making physical contact. However, our reliance on technology endangers real life connections and physical touch. Due to the pandemic, our digital presence has grown while our physical experiences have shrunk. A recognition of this lack of physical touch is steering product development more and more towards multisensory experiences. Consequently, digital and VR platforms increasingly feature elements that evoke real life touch. In the conclusion of my thesis I weigh up the benefits and drawbacks of our digital lives, and probe whether touch can successfully be built into our virtual environment.
Bényei Judit
Keszeg Anna