Nagy Fanny

Fashion and Textile Design MA
Bodnár Enikő

Carnival in the Tunnel

Only During a Carnival is a typical Caragiale comedy, but behind the romantic threads, carnival scenes, and sharp, sometimes violent, exchanges, a dark and grotesque world emerges. My collection, consisting of headwear items, aims to capture the essence of this peculiar world. I juxtaposed the piece with the story of a group living in the tunnels beneath Bucharest. The pieces in the collection evoke associations with emotional and spiritual darkness. If I approach Caragiale in 2023, I can only do so by depicting cruelty, injustice, and vulnerability.
Szűcs Edit
Bartha József

The connection between costumes for stage and film through analysing the costumes in Only During a Carnival by Ion Luca Caragiale

Building on the play Only During a Carnival by Romanian playwright Ion Luca Caragiale, my thesis examines the difference between costumes designed for theatre and film. In order to analyse and design costumes, we need a deep understanding of the script, both as a whole and right down to its constituent parts. This is how designers are able to create a unified look. Costume is but one, albeit crucial component, of the rich visual world embodied by both genres. Analysing the costumes in both stage and screen adaptations using criteria that emerged during my study of relevant literature, we find a world of similarities and differences. The conclusion demonstrates that although costume design for stage and screen appear similar at first, there are some major differences that designers should keep in mind. Like the playwright, the directors of the stage and film adaptations, Silviu Purcărete and Lucian Pintilie, are also Romanian artists.
Simon Andrea
Gyenge Zsolt
foto: Bede Kincső
foto: Bede Kincső
foto: Bede Kincső
foto: Bede Kincső