Molnár Apollónia

Art and Design Management MA
Ébli Gábor

Event management: alone or in a group?

In the course of my internship I fulfilled art management duties mainly in the areas of music and visual arts. I tried myself both independently and as part of a group in order to figure out what suits me best. In the first half of my training I helped compile the professional and art portfolio of a creative producer, and acted as manager to a media artist. Then, as part of my main project, I worked in a freshly launched music club as an art manager, this time as part of a group. To this day I am part of two different music collectives as a communications and programme manager. My work experience gave me a much fuller picture of event management. It also helped me explore what I am not interested in and what I would like to do more of in future, thus helping me consciously shape my career. I also chose a thesis subject that enables me to gain a deeper understanding of managing collective arts institutions, as that is where I envision my professional future.

The operations of independent, non-profit collective arts spaces through the example of art quarter budapest

My thesis examines what factors define, influence, and build an independent institution for collective arts. In the course of my research I conducted in-depth interviews with artists, art managers, and executives to gain a better understanding of the process. My main focus is the analysis of art quarter budapest, a studio and collective arts complex. I compare it with the main features of Artus Studio, Jurányi Art Incubator House, and SÍN Arts Centre.
Fekete Balázs