Madarász Rita

Fashion and Textile Design MA
Balázs Viola


My masterwork explores the duality of our attachment to materials and our desire to detach from them in light of the increasing dominance of digital technology. I examine new approaches to our connection with textiles through an interactive installation series that allows the structure to interact with its environment without physical touch. The installation expresses a transitional state of detachment from physical materials, where the hand-woven structure and the human presence coexist in the same physical space, but their connection is formed indirectly, omitting the most fundamental sensory experience associated with textiles: touch. In my diploma project, I explore how the woven structure can transform into a medium and an interdisciplinary artwork across multiple fields of science. I also examine the roles it can play beyond the traditional functions typically associated with textiles.
"Keszei István Simándi-Kövér Annamária Vass Csenge"
Kárpáti Judit

Creative attitudes in contemporary art, with a special focus on textile based works

Using international examples and applying the deductive method, in my thesis I examine the potential role that textiles can play in contemporary art. As a historical starting point, I analyse the pioneering classics that elevated textiles to high artistic standards. Then, examining diverse artistic attitudes, I proceed to map out various forms of interactivity and art as a participatory experience, charting any changes that resulted from the advent of digital technology. Finally, I drill down into the contemporary tendencies which, owing to their increasingly tighter links to science, have opened up the disciplinary barriers of art, and have led to the emergence of dominant artistic attitudes.
German Kinga
Magyar Dorottya