Maczák Gabriella

Design and Visual Arts Teacher MA
Bényei Judit

Andragogy in art

Adult learners in goldsmith training

As an educator in adult art training my goal is to identify and familiarise myself with the environment that I work in. Using interdisciplinary research, I would like to uncover the various factors that move my work forward in a way that ensures that I provide a high professional quality for my students. Consulting disciplines related to the scientific area of andragogy, and building on the paradigm of art education, more specifically: adult goldsmith training, I would like to shed light on the discrepancies that may arise between the Education Authority and the adult learner. Where and under what circumstances do interests and goals converge or separate? As an educator, what can I do to mitigate the potential frictions and frustrations that arise out of differences?
Illés Anikó
Ulrich Sára