Kulcsár Dávid

Architecture MA
Kovács Csaba


Revitalisation of the City Park Delta

"A city is an organically growing and constantly evolving fabric, and one of its defining infrastructural elements is the railway. The railway landscape, which once facilitated growth and expansion within the urban fabric, has now, as a result of rapid technological changes and transformations, left behind vast unused urban voids. The location of my masterwork, the Városliget (City Park) railway junction, is one of these urban scars: an enclave wedged within the urban fabric. In response to the unique characteristics of the area, a plastic recycling centre has been created to help the metabolism of the city. In addition to the industrial function that defines the area, a perspective shift is also an important aspect. Therefore, an innovation centre and incubator workshop has also been established on the site. With this mixed-use approach, the area of the City Park junction can once again become an integral part of the urban fabric."
Hámori Péter
Beke András

Urban Scars along the Railway Tracks

Infrastructure elements that are indispensable for urban development have shaped the urban fabric from the beginning. One of the key elements of urban development is the railway. The railway, as a means of movement, attracted industrial activities and associated sites, which formed extensive enclaves. Due to the rapid growth of cities, these enclaves were surrounded by urban development, resulting in a phenomenon that I call 'urban scarring'. Nowadays, urban scars exist as underutilised, functionless 'empty' spaces within the city. The management of these areas is important for the development of city life.
Balázs András
Haba Péter