Kéry Dorottya

Architecture MA
Marián Balázs

CARE Inclusive Employment Centre and Community Workshop

In my thesis I examined, among other things, the importance of prevention in child protection today, and why a service-based attitude and societal participation are effective tools of a preventative approach. In my masterwork I explore the possibilities of architectural interventions in the primary care phase, in other words: the prevention phase, of the Hungarian family and child welfare system. My project involves the expansion and functional reinterpretation of the family and child welfare institution in Kőbánya, as well as the revitalisation of the former Hermann János barrel factory in Kőbánya, which serves as the location for the design. I aimed to create a collective and representative space that emphasises prevention, connections, and raising social awareness. The resulting design of 'KÖZI' specifically focuses on family support services and projects. Its goal is to gather and raise awareness about these opportunities, ensuring their accessibility and transparency, not only for those in need but for the service providers as well. My goal was to create a hub of connections that not only allows communities to gather, but also enables the activities of civil organisations and foundations, which currently run independently of each other, to intersect. Their collaboration can result in a more efficient distribution of tasks and resources.
Molnár Bea
Guba Sándor

In Between (KÖZI)

An experiment to formulate an institutional and spatial structure in child protection

My thesis explores the structure and functioning of child protection and try to follow the journey that a young person and their family go through within the system. Among other things, I examine why a service-focused approach and service-based structure are effective tools in child protection. I also explore the significance of social presence in the functioning of child protection, and whether it is perhaps underestimated. Considering the current obstacles within the system, as well as the possibilities of my position as a designer, I make an attempt to define an institutional unit and its spatial requirements.
Antalóczy Tímea
Bán Hajnalka