Ivády Tamás Csaba

Animation MA
Brovinszki László


My masterwork is a hand-drawn animated short film. The protagonist is a woman in her early 30s whose grandmother has just died. As she visits her grandmother's flat, the woman recalls her past memories, allowing us to understand the relationship between them. We learn what her grandmother meant to her, how their roles shifted over time, and how her memory lives on after death.
Gelley Bálint
Bakos Barbara

Ways of depicting death in animations for children

My thesis attempts to create an inventory of tools that enable us discuss death in a way that is approachable for children. I examine how stories facilitate knowledge transfer to children, and how they feed into the subjects of animation and death. My thesis concludes with a detailed analysis of a few relevant animations, primarily to see how they treat death as a central theme of the film, but also to explore what form they depict it in.
Bényei Judit
Orosz Anna Ida