Donáth Anna Róza

Art and Design Management MA
Illés Anikó

My experiences in the realms of participative art projects and film management

I chose and created internship opportunities that catered to my drive to represent disadvantaged communities and marginalised groups. At the same time I wanted to return to my roots in film distribution, so I sought internships with a focus in film management. In my portfolio I present work that is related to these two areas in order to demonstrate how my experience in project management, communications, programme management, and community participation aided me in becoming an art manager.

The empowerment of disadvantaged communities in Hungary

Examining art projects focused on teenage girls and conclusions on managing future initiatives

Beyond the difficulties arising from their age and gender, teenage girls whose sociocultural background differs from the mainstream may face an exponentially higher number of challenges. My research sought to identify participatory extracurricular art projects that address these challenges. The impact of these art projects also depends on the extent that management factors are taken into consideration during their setup. Through the concept of intersectionality I place the difficulties of the target group into a theoretical context, followed by the analysis of three case studies. I finally compile a management guide that may prove useful for future art initiatives.
Bodnár Tekla