Dawson-Vadász Viktória Réka

Design MA
Pais Anna


Put it together, take it apart, put it here, put it there. MOJLI is a modular lamp, consisting of 12 elements that can be freely combined and assembled. Given that it is a lamp, we interact with it daily, so it regularly invites us to play. By combining different characters, the end result will be a reflection of various impressions and states.
Kovács Borbála

The social significance of artisanship

In the course of my research I examined the situation of the Hungarian artisan trade and the effect it has on our culture and society, with a special emphasis on the significance of tradition and how it is fading. One of the main pillars of artisan communities is the sharing of knowledge, which is an excellent tool for increasing involvement in socially significant projects. I identified and examined existing international and Hungarian projects that operate on the same principle. As a potential target group for involvement, I also studied the situation of mothers with small children.
Szerencsés Rita
Csernák Janka