Asztalos-Balásy Paula

Graphic Design MA
Nagy István

To bed, to bed, to bed

My masterwork explores the concepts of home, homelessness, and being on the road. My work revolves around the central theme of home and its forced abandonment, addressing the challenges of in-between states and life situations. It encompasses aspects such as being on the road, progress, development, the involuntary entrance to unfamiliar spaces, lack, and ultimately, the longing to find a new sense of home. I draw inspiration from Vilém Flusser's philosophical essay, "The Bed". Invoking Flusser, our existence is tied to the home, and the representation of this home is the bed. Various life events are connected to this object and location, including birth, reading, dreams, love, insomnia, illness, and death. I interpret being on the road both literally and figuratively. I seek the visual expressions of this journey through the use of collective and personally created symbols. This is how the pillow becomes a metaphor for home and existence, where each life stage is evoked through the concepts associated with them. These words are supported by a unique and individually designed typography. The project includes a so-called map sketch consisting of 4 elements each, which serves as a metaphor for existential, professional, and physical journeys.
Nagy István
Szabó Károly

The relationship between contemporary people and their homes

Where is a person's home if they live in more than one place? What constitutes 'home' for people? What does home mean to me? Can I have more than one homes at the same time? Can we return home without having left? What determines how much I feel at home and how alien a place feels to me? How do I form the bond that I feel for my homes, and why does it never happen in certain places? How can I get accustomed to a place if I am always on the road and in my head I am already planning the next journey? My research attempts to examine spaces from an environmental psychological standpoint; to define places, non-places, and the concept of home. My thesis aims to dissect the feeling of home and homelessness, and to uncover the process of home making based on either my own experience, or that of my interview subjects.
Kapitány Gábor
Hosszu Erzsébet