Törkenczy Ármin

Art and Design Theory BA

The Evolution of Szentimreváros, Budapest

In my thesis, I focus on Szentimreváros, located in the 11th district of Budapest. I examine the development of the neighbourhood from its formation to the present day. I focus on the Cistercian complex, as the school and church buildings dominate the centre of town. I trace the history of the construction of the Cistercian complex and the developmental periods of the surrounding neighbourhood. My thesis also delves into the cultural history of the area. I mainly aim to explore the vibrant religious life and the Catholic youth movements of the neighbourhood. I explore the character and qualities of the area, considering both architectural and cultural aspects and assuming their mutual influence on each other. I systematically scan the area in space and time to identify its coherence, if any exists. The thesis concludes with a tour of the area around the Feneketlen-tó (Bottomless Lake), the axis of the district. I examine how the original designs by Gyula Wälder have changed and evolved since their construction over a century ago.
Haba Péter
Hulesch Máté