Tomka Róza Julianna

Art and Design Theory BA

... the sun shines black rays down on brown graceful skin'

The Poetry and Painting of János Balázs Based on a Distinctive Sketch

In my thesis, I examine the body of work of János Balázs, a 20th-century painter from Salgótarján. I focus on a graphite sketch depicting the theme of 'Cigánydomb' (Gypsy Hill), which features a handwritten short poem on the back. After familiarising ourselves with the artist's biography and the researchers studying his work, I also delve into the subject of Romani art and the dilemmas surrounding the classification of naïve art. I analyse the relationship between poetry and fine art in János Balázs's work, as well as the unique influence of the environment on the artist, his personal sense of Roma identity, and the impact he had on contemporary artists as a disadvantaged Roma painter/writer who beat the odds. My main goal is to contextualise the examined untitled pencil drawing and poem within the artist's body of work, in light of my research findings on the aforementioned subjects. The conclusion entails the possibility of exploring the topic further as part of a potential master's thesis.
Kissné Budai Rita
Földi Eszter