Székely Zsófia

Graphic Design BA

Visible Music: Album Covers

The album cover is an image that represents music. However, more than 80 years after
 the first album cover, artworks representing music have been reduced to tiny images on a screen, and we struggle to name contemporary creators that have been in the business of solely designing album covers for decades, with continued success. Have album covers lost their significance? My thesis charts the history of album covers from the beginning to the present day. What made the iconic album covers of the 20th century iconic, and can a contemporary album cover achieve the same level of iconic status in today's flood of album covers? I used two different methodologies: I conducted research and interviewed three professionals in the field, namely Bence Ede Horváth (musician in the band Elefánt), Fanni Fejes (manager, Carson Coma, Mehringer), and Emőke Dobos
 (visual artist, Platon Karataev). The result of my findings is that it would be a mistake to reduce the role of album covers in today's context to what they originally represented
 in the 1930s. An artwork is no longer just a part of the album packaging that stimulates sales, but rather a method for the artist to make their music more unique, build a distinctive world around it, and stand out from the crowd in a highly competitive industry. Regardless of whether an album artwork is beautiful, controversial, has a concept, or is simply aesthetic, its essence lies in storytelling and achieving audience engagement and involvement.
Ébli Gábor
Herbert László