Polgár Kata Regina

Textile Design BA


Analysing Modular Systems in the Arts with Regards to Fine Art, Design, and Sustainability

The subject of my thesis is modularity within the arts, specifically in the fields of fine art and design. In particular, I delve into the depiction of modular systems from the perspective of sustainability. To support my investigation, from among many artists I chose to study the creative work of Vera Molnar, a prominent figure in computer art; Emese Benczúr, visual artist; Agnes Denes, conceptual artist; Apol Temesi, textile artist; and Rhys Ellis, designer. Through the examples of these artists, I aim to showcase the diversity inherent in modular systems, as each artist approaches the topic from a different perspective. I am seeking to answer questions such as: how does the modular system appear in the art of each individual artist? What genres and what subjects drive their work? What modules make up their creations? How do these elements change, connect, and create a system?
German Kinga
Bráda Judit