Ócsai Sebestyén

Product Design BA

By Reason of Procrastination

In my thesis I study the phenomenon of procrastination. I based my premise on the experience that this problem often manifests among artists, designers, creators, and innovators, and creates a roadblock even for inherently goal-oriented and precise professionals. With this analysis, I investigated the underlying factors and causes with the aim of incorporating the findings into everyday work, so that they may serve future projects. Examining procrastination, the underlying feelings, causes, and the struggling person as a whole, we can conclude that it is a highly complex process and relevant psychological issue that has wide-ranging ramifications and negative consequences. Considering the significant and pervasive presence of procrastination, as evidenced by this questionnaire, and the fact that procrastinators often analyse their own behaviour and employ various strategies to avoid time loss, the extreme importance of self-reflective work becomes evident in this area as well. In the course of my research, I obtained significant and essential information that brought me closer to a nuanced understanding of procrastination. As a result, its energy has been integrated into my future research plans with a positive connotation.
Berky Tamás
Csernátony Fanni
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