Molnár Blanka

Media Design BA

Studying the Relationship Between Visual Art and Psychology

The Neuroaesthetic Methods and Endeavours of Art Perception Research

Though art emerged and evolved in parallel with humanity, psychological studies aiming to understand its mechanics have only appeared in the past 150 years. Drawing on various philosophical theories, research on the perception of art has primarily focused on understanding human emotions. However, critics in the scientific community argue that further reliance on relative measurements to substantiate the inherently subjective nature of art cannot lead to concrete scientific results. Finally, in the early 21st century, neuroaesthetics emerged, primarily owing to significant advancements in technology. Neuroaesthetics is a new field of science that builds upon classical art psychology research methodologies and philosophical theories, but carries out its measurements with electronic devices that generate precise numerical results. The pioneering results of neuroaesthetic research not only provide insights into the understanding of art but also shed light on the relationship between art and the human psyche. This offers opportunities to treat enigmatic neurological conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and even dementia. In my thesis, I present the history and achievements of neuroaesthetics, and I compare them to classical art psychology research to demonstrate why it is more effective to examine art from a neurological perspective when seeking to understand its effects on the psyche.
Berky Tamás
Sánta Balázs