Mátravölgyi Zsófia

Product Design BA

Show Me Your Fridge Door, I'll Tell You Who You Are

The fridge magnet immediately brings to mind an extremely ordinary, often tacky, superficial consumer product. A constant fixture in tourist bazaars and overflowing souvenir shops, somehow it is always there, looking back at us from the fridge door in some shape or form in most homes that we visit. What is the secret of this diminutive object? How did it become one of the most popular souvenirs in the world? How can it function as such a versatile communication channel? As a matter of fact, what meanings and messages does it carry and convey? Why is it specifically the refrigerator surface that it adheres to so tightly? I have set out to answer these hypotheses, explore the connections between various research aspects, and interpret them from a designer's perspective.
Wunderlich Péter
Lakos Dániel
rob chair
reception desk