Kővári Noémi Éva

Graphic Design BA

Typography and Nature

In my thesis, I present the roles and characteristics of nature-inspired typefaces in the context of the Art Nouveau movement and subsequent design trends. I analyse the emergence and origins of these fonts within the Art Nouveau movement. My research also touches on the stylisation and ornamentation of plants in design. I delve into deep detail on how stylistic trends appear in typefaces and explore the possibilities inherent in these fonts. Additionally, I also focus on movements where letters were treated freely. I examine how much the role of botanical ornamentation has been forgotten in typography, and how well it fits into modern graphic design today. I was especially interested to find out how far we have moved away from nature-inspired ornamentation, and what impact the Art Nouveau typefaces and organic forms have had on contemporary graphic and typographic solutions.
Földi Eszter
Marcell Tamás
Buy Nothing Day - Web
escape plant - photobook