Bácsfalvi Sára Marianna

Graphic Design BA

The Phenomenon of the Mistake

Mistakes in Art and Design

Due to an exponential acceleration, I have recently started noticing the importance of understanding mistakes and having a discourse about them. I was interested in understanding the origins of mistakes, where they come from, and how they are applied as a phenomenon. When a person is in a hurry — and indeed, we all are — problems tend to accumulate both in life and in design, creating a vicious cycle that makes it seem impossible to break free, leading to stress and tension. What is the solution? How do others employ randomness and the phenomenon of mistakes in art? When should we embrace them, and when should we resign ourselves to them? When is a mistake just a mistake, and when does it become a morally wrong pattern? In my thesis, I delve into the subject of mistakes, examining and discussing my observations, seeking answers regarding the origins of mistakes and their role in art. Through numerous examples, I illustrate the consequences of these mistakes, highlighting how they can lead to significant turning points or serve as warning signs for impending radical changes.
Tillmann József
Hegyi Béla
Central Library
Central Library
Buy Nothing Day campaign
Buy Nothing Day campaign
Trouble Shooter Game
Trouble Shooter Game
Knowledges booklet
Gerbeaud Identity
Etivera Gin package
Etivera Gin package
Mome series