Gábor Kopek
Bazsó, Ferenc | Farkasné Ligeti, Ágnes | Ferencz, István | Göde, András | Kosaras, György | Magyari, Márton | Nagy, Tamás | Novák, Ágnes | Szlávics, László | Turányi, Gábor
Andor, Anikó | Benson, Marcell | Borbás, Péter | Börzsei, Tamás | Czapek, Ádám | Csomay, Zsófia | Dorcsinecz, János | Horányi, Éva | Kovács, Csaba | Kovács, Szabolcs Gergő | Mag, Ildikó | Marián, Balázs | Máthéné Bognár, Katalin | Nagy, Nándor | Oltvai, Tamás | Pálóczi, Tibor | Pozsár, Péter | Radnóczi, Ferenc | Sólymos, Sándor | Varga, Imre | Vass-Eysen, Áron | Vámos, Dominika
The search for the proper proportion and balance of tradition and innovation – this is the primary objective of the Institute of architecture in the intellectual work built on the inseparability of architecture – interior architecture – furniture design.
The frame of this activity is provided by the studio work in which teachers and students work side by side as masters and disciples.
Besides the intensive workshop activity, it is the expressed purpose of the Institute to enlarge the framework of training both in an intellectual and a physical sense. Summer workshops and the invitation of renowned architects enrich the annual activity.
The Institute of architecture undertakes to train professionals capable of pursuing the beautiful and complex task of shaping human environment at an artistic level.
Nagy, Tamás
Head of Institute
Ádám, Krisztián | Baráthné Kátai, Anikó | Barcza, Dániel | Bánfalvi, András | Bánsági, Petra | Benczúr, Emese | Bényei, Tünde | Bokor, Zsuzsa | Bráda, Judit | Cosovan, Attila | Czalek, Éva | Csák, Mónika | Csipes, Antal | Grőber, Tibor | Harmati, Hedvig | Józsa, Pál | Juhász, István | Kass, Andrea | Kádasi, Éva | Kele, Ildikó | Kemény, Péter | Kenyeres, András | Keszei, István | Kiss, Aba Regő | Kiss, Tibor | Koós, Pál | Kondor, Edit | Lakos, Dániel | Lenkei, Balázs | Lipóczki, Ákos | Lublóy, Zoltán | Márhoffer, László | Maurer Klimes, Ákos | Mohácsi, András | Mucha, Zsolt | Nagy, Adrien | Nagy, Erzsébet | Nádor, Tibor | Olasz, Andrásné | Orlai, Balázs | Pattantyús, Gergely | Péter, Vladimir | Püspök, Balázs | Remete, Kriszta | Scherer, József | Simándi-Kövér, Annamária | Sipos, Balázs | Szegedi, Csaba | Szilágyi, Csaba | Szittner, Andrea | Szűcs, Edit | Tersztyánszkyné Bárdos, Katalin | Takács, Károly | Toka, Zoltán | Varga, Anikó | Veres, Bálint | Vető, Péter
Akselvoll, Bodil | Ágostonné Pávai, Julianna | Balla, Gabriella | Balog, Edit | Berta, Barna | Borka, Zsolt | Csenkey, Éva | Csernátony, Fanni | Erdei, Lilla | F. Dózsa, Katalin | Fésüs, András | Frazon, Zsófia | Gunther, Zsolt | Hemmings, Jessica | Henszelmann, Imre | Katona, Edit | Kaucsek, György | Kerékgyártó, András | Kertész, Tamás | Keszei, István | Kiss-Gál, Zsuzsanna | Koszt, Ferenc | Kovács, Borbála | Nagy, Alexandra | Nagy, Anna Nóra | Németh, Gábor Tamás | Nyírő, József | Pais, Panni | Penkala, Éva | Schmidt, Andrea | Semsey Horváth, Réka | Somfai, Lászlóné | Stomfai, Krisztina | Szilágyi, István | Szilos, András | Takács, József | Tóth, Zoltán | Ujvárosi, Lajos | Váró, Péter
The design Institute of mome has been created with the aim that the design specializations, responsible for the shaping of our object culture, by participating in a close dialogue among one another, and by co-operation, should be able to provide responses to the challenges of our age. The task of the students graduating at the moment is not less than facing the questions raised by globalization, consumer society, climate change and information society. These challenges require an open mentality, a firm ethical standpoint, and the strive for the highest quality. The Institute regards as its task to train design artists with a free way of thinking, reacting with responsibility to the current processes of environment, society and culture. We consider it important to equally represent the values of tradition and progress. Furthermore, we consider it important that the design artists having graduated from our Institute should be able to join, with their fresh voice and an expert attention, in the contemporary european and international dialogue.
Barcza, Dániel
Head of Institute
Balla, Dóra | Bodóczky, Antal | Brovinszki, László | Csáki, László | Domonyi, Rita | Drégely, Imre | Erhardt, Miklós | Fábián, Noémi | Fábics, Natália | Fazakas, Péter | Fülöp, József | Gacs, Réka | Gulyás, Miklós | Hegyi, Béla | Juhász, Gábor | Kopek, Gábor | Kudász, Gábor Arion | Lepsényi, Imre | Maczó, Péter | Marcell, Tamás | Máté, Gábor | Nagy, László | Oravecz, István | Pálfi, György | Réthi, Gábor | Ruttkay, Zsófia | Szalontai, ábel | Szirtes, János | Tasnádi, József | Usher, Richard | Vargha, Balázs | Zsótér, László
Alexander, Zoltán | Baranyai, András | Czakó, Judit | Erkel, András | Fabricius, Gábor | Falvay, László | Falvay, Miklós | Fekti, Balázs | Gerber, Pál | Gerhes, Gábor | Glaser, Katalin | Gryllus, ábris | Hajnóczy, Csaba | Herbai, Máté | Hermán, Árpád | Horváth, Janisz | Huszár, Dániel | Iványi-Bitter, Brigitta | Juhász, András | Kelényi, Ákos | Kolozsi, László | Kopper, Judit | Kulcsár, Viktória | Lehotay, Zoltán | Lukács, Péter Benjámin | Magyarósi, Éva | Nagy, Ágoston | Nagy, Dénes | Nagy, Lajos | Orosz, Anna Ida | Papp, Károly | Pfisztner, Gábor | Rév, Marcell | Richly, Zsolt | Samu, Bence | Sipos, Orsolya | Tóth, Balázs | Tóth, Zsolt | Varjasi, Farkas Csaba | Vargha, Márk Péter | Varsányi, Ferenc | Zányi, Tamás
Autonomous behaviour, integrative approach, responsibility. The answer to continuous change is continuous development, that is at the same time a motivation for action. Faith. Faith in the fact that it depends on us, that we can always do something, that there is always somewhere to arrive. The starting point is given. For the graduates of MOME Media Institute the diploma is the origo, the starting point of taking off. Everything else depends on them.
Fülöp, József
Head of Institute
Antalóczy, Tímea | Babarczy, Eszter | Beck, András | Berky, Tamás | Bényei, Judit | Bokody, Péter | Ébli, Gábor | Ferkai, András | German, Kinga | Gyenge, Zsolt | Haba, Péter | Horányi, Attila | Horváth, Gyöngyvér | Illés, Anikó | István, Mária | Kapitány, Ágnes | Kissné Budai, Rita | Pallag, Andrea | Salamon, János | Schmidt, Andrea | Szentpéteri, Márton | Tillmann, József | Veres, Bálint | Vörös, Miklós | Zwickl, András
Barcza, Dániel | Bergmann, Judit | Bíró, Péter | Búvár, Ágnes | Derer, István | Einspach, Gábor | Erdei, Lilla | Ernyey, Gyula | Fátyol, Viola | F. Dózsa, Katalin | Fehér, Zsuzsa | Gáspár, Máté | Hemrik, László | Horváth, Judit | Kiss-Gál, Zsuzsa | Koós, Pál | Kovács, Dániel | Kutrovácz, Gábor | Lipták, Ildikó | Martinkó, József | Mélyi, József | Molnár, Ágnes Éva | Nagy, Károly | Pataky, Gabriella | Pohárnok, Mihály | Ruttkay, Zsófia | Semsey, Réka | Seres, Szilvia | Szeles, Nóra | Szira, Henrietta | Szabics, Ágnes | Tóth, Anna Katalin | Tóth, Pál Sándor | Tóth, Péter Benjámin | Vittay, Dorottya | Zemplén, Gábor
The studies provided by the Institute for Theoretical studies furnish the subjects offering general theoretical knowledge for the students of the university. The main objective of theoretical training is to provide the students with a conceptual way of thinking indispensable for creative work, with the utilization of theoretical, differenciated thinking as a working tool. Beyond the courses in theory taught as part of the design degree programmes of the university, our Institute is also in charge of independent BA and MA trainings in three areas: theory, management and education of art and design. these degree programmes focus, next to the knowledge and skills of the specific areas, on fostering close and creative collaboration between our graduates and young artists and designers.
Tillmann, József
Head of Institute
H-1121 Zugligeti út 9-25 Budapest, Hungary
T | F: +36 1 392 1190